marți, 13 martie 2012

Enviroment health

Pollution is on dirt , degradation,damage the natural enviroment trough ,the development of activities. 
The types of pollution are:
-Geographic pollution
-Water pollution
-Soil pollution
-Sound pollution
-Moral pollution
  Preventive measures and control of pollution are:
1.For prevent soil degradation
2.For prevent water degredation
3.For prevent degradation of air


 People have become sedentary.Prefer television and the Internet.Who is not moving get fat,becomes apathetic,heavy, gets the heart,becomes depressiveand . The 600 muscles should be used.Is true though that the heart is a muscle that works only.

luni, 20 februarie 2012

Floarea din ghiveci...

 Sanatatea este asemenea unei flori intr-un ghiveci.Daca o ingrijesti,te vei bucura de ea.Daca uiti ca exista,o vei pierde.Nu medicul este responsabil de ea,el te poate sfatui cum sa iti pastrezi sanatatea si cum sa te vindeci in caz ca esti bolnav.De trait insa,tu traiesti!
  Alege sa traiesti sanatos!!!


luni, 6 februarie 2012

What happens during sleep???

Nothing compares to rest after a long day of work. Sleep is essential for each person.Is the body's repair mechanism,without wich man could live.What happens during sleep? Recharge the brani'snerve cells recover ,the body eliminate hormones important.


Every day we should have time for activities,for recreation,for sport and,for SLEEP.
Children should sleep 8-10 hours and adults should sleep 6-8.
The normal and healthy child program:6 hours for intellecual and physical activities
                                                          3 hours for the time spent outdoors
                                                          5 hours for activities
                                                          10 hours for sleep

miercuri, 1 februarie 2012

Be careful!!!


1.Daily Exercise & Weight Management
2.Whole Grain Foods & Plants Oils :Olive;Avocado;Grapeseed & plant oils
3.Vegetables & Fruits
5.Fish,Poultry or Eggs
6.Dairy or Calcium Supplement
With this material I wanted to shoot a WARNING semnal.
Be careful!!!

Useful Secret...


The idea of Health today unfortunately is conceived and wrongly undersood by manking.
Stereotipe health is directly related to the medical or pharmacy tail that stands at the door.The true health  is another concept.It starts with knowing and anderstanding as created and how the body works.You can never say ''You are that you eat'' but you can say ''You are that you drink''.Our body is made up almost 70% water and the water is food for blood and the blood is oxygen carrier.NEVER we can have a true healthy if we try to change the other 30% .This is logical!!!

The JEWEL...

Health is the jewel that should keep it clean,healthy and shiny.

marți, 31 ianuarie 2012

Health first

Health should be cherished.For some,mony are first.For other servise comes first.But…What  can be done without health?If you are not healthy,you can’t go to work,you can’t spend money.Health is destroyed and the people who eat only fas food or eat too little or too much.